Malcolm McClaren

Today is the day that we say goodbye to Malcolm McClaren.

Like many, we share memories of a man that undoubtedly broke the mold whilst managing to rub many noses up completely the wrong way at the same time.

From a personal perspective, Malcolm will be remembered as being the early torch bearer with regards to opening our ears and minds to the New York Hip Hop Scene in this country as young kids just starting to get into various forms of predominantly US black dance music in the early 80's.

Buffalo Gals
Double Dutch
World Famous Supreme Team Show
The Rock Steady Crew-Hey You

The above clip is taken from The History Of Hip Hop documentary that denotes the message Malcolm delivered back to the UK almost two decades ago.

Documentary narration- Gary Byrd

Intro-Afrika Bambaataa and The Soul Sonic Force,
Looking For The Perfect Beat

Hip Hop Footage- Rock Steady Crew, Buffalo Gals, Graffiti

Malcolm McClaren- Explaining NYC Hip Hop culture to a group of London B Boys, scratching and breaking explained

HipHop Roots- The Bronx, Kool Herc, Kool Herc Bronx Parties

We had no idea at the time about what was to follow.

Many many thanks Mr McClaren,

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