The Long Lost Kylie Minogue Track

"Minogue decided to add vocals to this techno-influenced dance record and the result is probably the most avant-garde entry in her entire discography (and probably the most unknown)"

Collaboration between Towa Tei and Kylie Minogue on vocals taken from 1998.

Towa Tei is probably best known as one of the members of New York dance outfit DeeLite having produced their biggest hit "Groove Is In The Heart"

Kylie, well we all know her as being an all round top girl who's dabbled in the odd bit of dance music from time to time.

Minogue decided to add vocals to this techno-influenced dance record and the result is probably the most avant-garde entry in her entire discography (and probably the most unknown)

Personally this is as close as we can get to playing anything Kylie related, hope you like the tune and video if you're yet to become acquainted with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous08:50

    erm... Kylie, 1998, bath, suds, bikini. There is nothing wrong with this.
